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The new Star Wars film is highly anticipated among a certain segment of the global movie-going population but there is a reported brief scene of two women locked in a kiss which has some cheering while others rolling their eyes for forcing an agenda.

One woman commented: “Homosexuality seems to be the big evil among Christians but heterosexual sins are largely ignored or excused....” to which a man responded: “Perhaps that is because people know that the sins you mentioned are wrong, but they try to force the sin of homosexuality on others and want people to accept it as good.”

The woman was correct in the way some Christians do make it sound like homosexuality is the great unpardonable sin but the man makes a greater point. And let me add to what he said: “They try to force the sin of homosexuality on others and want people to accept it as good” and paint the dissenters as bigots, hateful, intolerant, and judgmental with no place in modern times.

The Bible which is regarded by many today as irrelevant and outdated was quite ahead of everyone in the 21st century when back in 8 B.C., it called out people for calling good evil and evil good (Isa. 5:20). What is evil is evil no matter how many centuries pass because what God has called evil stands forever regardless of what mere men say (Rom. 3:4).

What is dangerous about this rise of depicting what God has called sin as good is that not only will people generally be desensitized but professing Christians as well. Back in the day, it would be unheard of churches supporting homosexuality but now we have churches led by openly gay ministers performing same-sex marriage.

To magnify the male commenter’s point, it is unheard of and continue to be so to this day to have ministers who are openly promiscuous, adulterers, polygamous, or pedophiles. To be exposed as such will be grounds for removal from office and ministry---permanently, for most. We never hear of churches celebrating such behavior openly in the name of tolerance, pride, and love. Oh yeah, we do. They’re called cults. And yet homosexuality is slowly encroaching its way to acceptability among the believers in the guise of “love.” Don’t get me wrong. We need to love the homosexuals and reach out to them to turn from their sin in the same way we reach out to heterosexuals. Love is not love when we let people do the things that God gave them over to (Rom. 1:18 ff). Love is telling the truth no matter how much it hurts them, how much it hurts us because the consequence of sin will hurt far more and for eternity.


Elizabeth Ong

Elizabeth Ong is an author, lecturer, an app creator, and a businesswoman. She has a master's degree in Biblical Studies from Asian Theological Seminary.