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In a rare legal victory in a fast-becoming hostile environment to evangelicals, a German court upheld the rights to freedom of speech to a Christian restaurant owner to post bible verses in her establishment. 

I do not know the specifics of the case as to who lodged the complaint and why, other than what is reported in the link I provided but a phrase leapt out and given the strident progess the LGBTQ community has been making worldwide, it won't surprise me if it was because of the "verses from the bible on human sexuality. Park was accused of so-called 'hate speech.'" I do not know the reasons why she did that and how many are they compared to the other verses she displayed nor do I question the need for it. I am just glad for the outcome but this made me think once again on how the evangelical community is so up in arms about homosexuality as if it was THE unpardonable sin.

Perhaps this is the reason why we are seen as a homophobic holier spirit instead of people warning in love of the eternal consequences. We box them like as if that's all there is to them. We get rid of their homosexuality and they're heaven-bound. What if, like the rest of us, they, too, have more than one sin, hurt, and issue that need to be addressed?  Again, I am no sociologist and all those other -ists that study human behavior but I know some of them are not gay for sex alone. I know lesbians who just feel safer with another woman or have been hurt by their husbands. I have gay friends with a history of resentment towards an absentee, overbearing, or philandering father. 

We have programs and outreaches built around homosexuality which I am not in disagreement with but when was the last time we saw the same effort to address envy, slander, and foolishness which are also called out in the Bible (Mark 7:21-22)? Have we ever come up to an unbeliever to share the gospel because he steals paper clips regularly from his office? Have we ever invited our tsismosa friend to a gossip support group in church? Have we shouted, "Hallelujah!" after hearing a testimony shared by a former inggitera? These sins have the same weight as homosexuality like a pound of cotton is equal to a pound of nails.

I remember reading a post when the SOGIE bill was revived once again recently asking why are born-again Christians so hyped up against homosexuality while quoting bible verses in support of killing or are being silent when it comes to double standards. One comment-er summed it all up in one word---hypocrites.

Lord, forgive us.


Elizabeth Ong

Elizabeth Ong is an author, lecturer, an app creator, and a businesswoman. She has a master's degree in Biblical Studies from Asian Theological Seminary.