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The Bible in Chinese Characters

If you were in a room of 100 people and ask for a show of hands on how many associate the Bible with the Chinese language, you’d probably get 100% zero hands. But it is interesting to note that some biblical accounts especially those in the book of Genesis are “pictographed” in Chinese characters. One can even share an entire story of the Flood or the Garden by one character alone. This shows that the Chinese culture which is often associated with communism, Buddhism, atheism, and materialism had biblical influences. So if you’ve been wondering how to share the gospel to your Chinese friend or loved ones, this might be a good way to start.


The Garden of Eden

Cain and Abel

The Flood

Tower of Babel


References and images lifted from:

Cain and Abel

Chinese writing proves Bible is God’s Word

Genesis in Chinese Pictographs

God in the Chinese Language

Noah’s Flood

The Creation Account

The Garden of Eden

Tower of Babel

If you were in a room of 100 people and ask for a show of hands on how many associate the Bible with the Chinese language, you’d probably get 100% zero hands. But it is interesting to note that some biblical accounts especially those in the book of Genesis are “pictographed” in Chinese characters. One can even share an entire story of the Flood or the Garden by one character alone. This shows that the Chinese culture which is often associated with communism, Buddhism, atheism, and materialism had biblical influences. So if you’ve been wondering how to share the gospel to your Chinese friend or loved ones, this might be a good way to start.


The Garden of Eden

Cain and Abel

The Flood

Tower of Babel


References and images lifted from:

Cain and Abel

Chinese writing proves Bible is God’s Word

Genesis in Chinese Pictographs

God in the Chinese Language

Noah’s Flood

The Creation Account

The Garden of Eden

Tower of Babel


Elizabeth Ong

Elizabeth Ong is an author, lecturer, an app creator, and a businesswoman. She has a master's degree in Biblical Studies from Asian Theological Seminary.