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"That didn't age well."

Since the start of the 2022 election season, I have seen a bit of “his/her post didn’t age well” remarks on people who used to be, well, just to simplify matters, politically yellow become red. From denouncing the atrocities of the conjugal dictatorship, they became their enablers and supporters prompting one to defend her position, "Aren't people entitled to change their minds?’

In a democratic country, changing one’s mind is a right which can be disconcerting in the context of personal relationships. One day, you’re comrade in arms, then the next day, you’re up in arms against one another. Awkward….

But in a spiritual context, changing one’s mind is not bad as that is what repentance is all about. Repentance is changing our minds about ourselves and sin, and agreeing with what God has to say about them. It is making a 180-degree turn. Some people would add, “It’s 180, okay? Not 360 because that means you’re back to where you started from.” Unfortunately, there have been believers who have done a 360, and if it can happen to them, it can also happen to us. We may not be at 360 yet but perhaps we’re between 181-359.  Let us therefore take stock of our own Christian walk lest we end up in the same destination. Let us keep ourselves in fellowship with God, His Word, and with other believers for strength, direction, and support during times when we are about to make a degree turn.

Changing one’s mind is being human and good thing that God is not a man that He should change His (Numbers 23:19). There will never come a day where we will say of His Word, “That didn’t age well” (Psalm 119:89, 1 Peter 1:25). All that He said, all that He promised as well as all that He warned would happen if we insist on our sin, remains true and unchanged from the very moment He uttered them. He never changes. Not even one degree.



Elizabeth Ong

Elizabeth Ong is an author, lecturer, an app creator, and a businesswoman. She has a master's degree in Biblical Studies from Asian Theological Seminary.