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Supersonic David

"I have been training for this my entire life!" said Knuckles whose thirst for revenge was greater than his muscles.
"And I have no training at all yet here I am ahead of you! That's gotta be embarrassing!" said Supersonic Hedgehog. Yes, that video character with two movies in his belt.
The exchange reminds me of what Saul said to a young David who offered to take up Goliath's mano y mano challenge. The cowardly king said, "You are only a young man, and he has been a warrior from his youth.” In short: "That monster has been one killing machine since you were born!"
But we all know how the story ended.
David won not because he had great aim. I am sure Goliath's was better but victory was at hand because the battle was the Lord's and who can withstand against Him?
Now in case you miss the point and go out punching your neighborhood Goliath with a shout, "Praise the Lord," I hope your Philhealth is updated.
We will all face Goliath-size challenges like illness, death of a loved one, financial loss, etc. but remember that God will not lead us into any situation that He doesn't believe we can overcome (1 Cor. 10:13). He has already prepared us the way David was ripe from his training as a shepherd which to human eyes is not remotely like battling a giant blasphemer. But in Coach God's eyes, they were connected. David understood this and most importantly, he knew that God's training (albeit brief) was better than any lifetime training the greatest warrior can ever have.
Remember: Nothing in our lives is wasted when we offer our lives to Him. It will prepare us for whatever lies ahead, and have no fear for God is always ahead of us.

Elizabeth Ong

Elizabeth Ong is an author, lecturer, an app creator, and a businesswoman. She has a master's degree in Biblical Studies from Asian Theological Seminary.