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A good friend forwarded to me a media interview of a faith leader making a stand against same-sex civil union. We are on the same side but I wonder why are we swift to make a public stand when it comes to sex, but so silent when it comes to justice when the same Bible is clear about it? Why are we refraining people from exercising their sexual freedom but are laissez-faire when it comes to their political freedom? Are not both private and personal matters? Is sexual sin worse than killing and stealing? The first occurrence of sin outside the garden was when a man killed his brother. “Thou shalt not kill” comes before the warning against adultery which is immediately followed by “Thou shalt not steal.”

I do understand how being vocal about political matters can be dangerous and divisive, but what if the time comes that speaking against abortion and same-sex unions become precarious and discordant as well? What then?


Elizabeth Ong

Elizabeth Ong is an author, lecturer, an app creator, and a businesswoman. She has a master's degree in Biblical Studies from Asian Theological Seminary.