Tag the Word!


An artist who paints about traditional values has not been showing he's keeping them himself in my transaction with him. This brought to mind a former colleague who tried to convince me to watch a tribute to the king of pop. Upon seeing my disgust, she said I should learn to separate the music from the person. I said, "Not when it comes to children."

Can we really separate someone's personal life from his/her actions? Some may ask, "Should we even?" I usually hear that from followers of Jesus who raised a fist bump and flashed the V sign with one hand, while holding the Bible with the other. They may separate themselves from their vote or separate me from mine, but like most kakampinks, I can't reciprocate. Call me sanctimonious, bitter, or unable to move on, but it is what it is.

I am thankful though that there is one thing where there is no need for separation---Jesus. His message is backed by His works, and vice-versa, that they’re almost synonymous. In a world where the words and works of people (like yours truly) can be a messy tangled line, or two points of the same line, never to meet, it is a constant source of comfort that Jesus is consistent in His goodness and credibility. Who He was yesterday, He is today, and will always be forevermore (Heb.13:8).

May forever.



Elizabeth Ong

Elizabeth Ong is an author, lecturer, an app creator, and a businesswoman. She has a master's degree in Biblical Studies from Asian Theological Seminary.