Tag the Word!


I have never been into basketball as I don’t see anything interesting about men running around chasing a ball but as I follow the news, I get to hear from time to time what’s going on and of course, the drama is always better outside the court. Again, as I am no follower, my news about Lebron James claiming to be the GOAT is two years late but judging from the posts that keep appearing in my newsfeed, people are still talking about it. I don’t know if Lebron was sincere or just trying to keep himself in the news but when even non-basketball fans like me know who is the real GOAT whom Scottie Pippen pointed out never proclaimed he was, it should be left to our peers to make that distinction.

A little over two thousand years ago, some bunch of men were thumping their chest claiming to be the GOAT (Luke 9:45ff). The funny thing was, at least Lebron had some basis. Peter and company just gawked and oohed as Jesus did all the work and yet they felt entitled to the title which should be a lesson for all of us. If they could succumb to pride, we can as well.

With all the activities that we do (no matter how good they are), with all the followers that we have, with all the likes, and the adulation, it is tempting to think that we may be the GOAT or at least BTS (better than some) like the Pharisee in Luke 18:9-14. Let’s not kid ourselves.

Pippen admonished Lebron by saying it should be other people recognizing us but in our walk with God, only one thumbs-up matters. No amount of accolades coming from our peers compares to His “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” May we always remember that.

Stay safe, everyone!









Elizabeth Ong

Elizabeth Ong is an author, lecturer, an app creator, and a businesswoman. She has a master's degree in Biblical Studies from Asian Theological Seminary.