Tag the Word!


Tomorrow is an auspicious date especially with the number 8 considered as lucky in Chinese numerology. I remember the frenzy to give birth on 8.8.88. (I wonder how the kids born that day turned out? I also wonder if we would be feeling the same if we had a 13th month. 13.13 anyone? Especially 13.13.13?)
But with the advent of online shopping, we have become accustomed to looking forward to 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, et al. (The Chinese would probably skip 4.4 as the number is a homophone of the word death. Double dead pa.)
Seeing all the discounts and flashing sale signs makes us think it would be financially prudent for us to take advantage. BUT wouldn't it be nice if we exhibit the same fervor when it comes to tithing or giving to missions work? In the same way we are happy that tomorrow is 8.8, are we happy when Sunday is approaching and be eager to give?
Do we apply the same mental exercise we work ourselves with when it comes to our material wants to giving to the church? Do we come up with all reasoning to give to the Lord's work in the same way we come with all excuses to add to cart?
We can post and shout all we want about loving God and following Jesus but only two things can really show our true commitment---our planner and wallet. What fills our calendar is where our heart is. What empties our wallet is where our priorities are.

Elizabeth Ong

Elizabeth Ong is an author, lecturer, an app creator, and a businesswoman. She has a master's degree in Biblical Studies from Asian Theological Seminary.