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31 Days of Suffering

When we think of God's promises, we tend to think of incredible blessings particularly in the financial material aspect. We embrace the feel-good ones like Jeremiah 29:11 and 1 Peter 2:24---and rightly so but we forget that God also has promises that aren't music to our ears.

As much as God promises to take care of us and provide for all our needs, it doesn't mean that our Christian life will be smooth sailing, a bed of roses, a walk in the park, and all those cliches you can think of.

In fact---in BIBLICAL fact---God tells those who choose the narrow path to expect a life of difficulty for simply being His obedient children. Regurgitating on this truth will prepare us when---not IF---the time comes so we won't be caught unaware. It's similar to conducting emergency drills. As much as we don't want them to happen, it's always best to know how to act when they do strike. But unlike fires and earthquakes which may never happen, suffering is guaranteed.

Click on this link for a compilation of 31 Bible verses that talk of suffering for God's children with a promise of divine help to go through them and heavenly rewards for upon perseverance. You can read them in one go or on daily installments.

It has been said it takes at least 21 days to form a habit. When you choose to go through these verses one day at a time, by the end of 31 days, you would have formed a habit of contemplating on the reason for your present suffering. Ultimately though, it is so that when the time comes, your supernatural instinct is to praise the Lord for making you "worthy of suffering" for His sake (Acts 5:41).



Elizabeth Ong

Elizabeth Ong is an author, lecturer, an app creator, and a businesswoman. She has a master's degree in Biblical Studies from Asian Theological Seminary.